11. Visualization

11.1. Introduction

DEVSIM is able to create files for visualization tools. Information about acquiring these tools are presented in External Software Tools.

11.2. Using Tecplot

The devsim.write_devices() is used to create an ASCII file suitable for use in Tecplot. Edge quantities are interpolated onto the node positions in the resulting structure. Element edge quantities are interpolated onto the centers of each triangle or tetrahedron in the mesh.

write_devices(file="mos_2d_dd.dat", type="tecplot")

11.3. Using Postmini

The devsim.write_devices() is used to create an ASCII file suitable for use in Postmini. Edge and element edge quantities are interpolated onto the node positions in the resulting structure.

write_devices(file="mos_2d_dd.flps", type="floops")

11.4. Using Paraview

The devsim.write_devices() is used to create an ASCII file suitable for use in ParaView. Edge quantities are interpolated onto the node positions in the resulting structure. Element edge quantities are interpolated onto the centers of each triangle or tetrahedron in the mesh.

write_devices(file="mos_2d_dd", type="vtk")

One vtu file per device region will be created, as well as a vtm file which may be used to load all of the device regions into ParaView.

11.5. Using VisIt

VisIt supports reading the Tecplot and ParaView formats. When using the vtk option on the devsim.write_devices(), a file with a visit filename extension is created to load the files created for ParaView.

11.6. DEVSIM

DEVSIM has several commands for getting information on the mesh. Those related to post processing are described in Model Commands and Geometry Commands.

See Loading and saving results for information about loading and saving mesh information to a file.