14. Command Reference

14.1. Circuit commands

Commands are for adding circuit elements to the simulation.

devsim.add_circuit_node(name, value, variable_update)

Adds a circuit node for use in circuit or multi-device simulation

  • name (str) – Name of the circuit node being created

  • value (Float, optional) – initial value (default 0.0)

  • variable_update ({'default', 'log_damp', 'positive'}) – update type for circuit variable

devsim.circuit_alter(name, param, value)

Alter the value of a circuit element parameter

  • name (str) – Name of the circuit node being created

  • param (str, optional) – parameter being modified (default ‘value’)

  • value (Float) – value for the parameter

devsim.circuit_element(name, value, n1, n2, acreal, acimag)

Adds a circuit element external to the devices

  • name (str) – Name of the circuit element being created. A prefix of ‘V’ is for voltage source, ‘I’ for current source, ‘R’ for resistor, ‘L’ for inductor, and ‘C’ for capacitor.

  • value (Float, optional) – value for the default parameter of the circuit element (default 0.0)

  • n1 (str) – circuit node

  • n2 (str) – circuit node

  • acreal (Float, optional) – real part of AC source for voltage (default 0.0)

  • acimag (Float, optional) – imag part of AC source for voltage (default 0.0)

devsim.circuit_node_alias(node, alias)

Create an alias for a circuit node

  • node (str) – circuit node being aliased

  • alias (str) – alias for the circuit node


Deletes any present circuit and its solutions.


Returns the row number correspond to circuit node in a region. Values are only valid when during the course of a solve.


node (str) – circuit node


Gets the list of the nodes in the circuit.

devsim.get_circuit_node_value(solution, node)

Gets the value of a circuit node for a given solution type.

  • solution (str, optional) – name of the solution. ‘dcop’ is the name for the DC solution (default ‘dcop’)

  • node (str) – circuit node of interest


Gets the list of available circuit solutions.

devsim.set_circuit_node_value(solution, node, value)

Sets the value of a circuit node for a given solution type.

  • solution (str, optional) – name of the solution. ‘dcop’ is the name for the DC solution (default ‘dcop’)

  • node (str) – circuit node of interest

  • value (Float, optional) – new value (default 0.0)

14.2. Equation commands

Commands for manipulating equations on contacts, interface, and regions

devsim.contact_equation(device, contact, name, circuit_node, edge_charge_model, edge_current_model, edge_model, edge_volume_model, element_charge_model, element_current_model, element_model, volume_node0_model, volume_node1_model, node_charge_model, node_current_model, node_model)

Create a contact equation on a device

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • contact (str) – Contact on which to apply this command

  • name (str) – Name of the contact equation being created

  • circuit_node (str, optional) – Name of the circuit we integrate the flux into

  • edge_charge_model (str, optional) – Name of the edge model used to determine the charge at this contact

  • edge_current_model (str, optional) – Name of the edge model used to determine the current flowing out of this contact

  • edge_model (str, optional) – Name of the edge model being integrated at each edge at this contact

  • edge_volume_model (str, optional) – Name of the edge model being integrated over the volume of each edge on the contact

  • element_charge_model (str, optional) – Name of the element edge model used to determine the charge at this contact

  • element_current_model (str, optional) – Name of the element edge model used to determine the current flowing out of this contact

  • element_model (str, optional) – Name of the element edge model being integrated at each edge at this contact

  • volume_node0_model (str, optional) – Name of the element model being integrated over the volume of node 0 of each edge on the contact

  • volume_node1_model (str, optional) – Name of the element model being integrated over the volume of node 1 of each edge on the contact

  • node_charge_model (str, optional) – Name of the node model used to determine the charge at this contact

  • node_current_model (str, optional) – Name of the node model used to determine the current flowing out of this contact

  • node_model (str, optional) – Name of the node model being integrated at each node at this contact

devsim.custom_equation(name, procedure)

Custom equation assembly. See Custom matrix assembly for a description of how the function should be structured.

  • name (str) – Name of the custom equation being created

  • procedure (str) – The procedure to be called

devsim.delete_contact_equation(device, contact, name)

This command deletes an equation from a contact.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • contact (str) – Contact on which to apply this command

  • name (str) – Name of the contact equation being deleted

devsim.delete_equation(device, region, name)

This command deletes an equation from a region.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the equation being deleted

devsim.delete_interface_equation(device, interface, name)

This command deletes an equation from an interface.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • interface (str) – Interface on which to apply this command

  • name (str) – Name of the interface equation being deleted

devsim.equation(device, region, name, variable_name, node_model, edge_model, edge_volume_model, time_node_model, element_model, volume_node0_model, volume_node1_model, variable_update)

Specify an equation to solve on a device

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the equation being created

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the node solution being solved

  • node_model (str, optional) – Name of the node model being integrated at each node in the device volume

  • edge_model (str, optional) – Name of the edge model being integrated over each edge in the device volume

  • edge_volume_model (str, optional) – Name of the edge model being integrated over the volume of each edge in the device volume

  • time_node_model (str, optional) – Name of the time dependent node_model being integrated at each node in the device volume

  • element_model (str, optional) – Name of the element model being integrated over each edge in the device volume

  • volume_node0_model (str, optional) – Name of the element model being integrated over the volume of node 0 of each edge on the contact

  • volume_node1_model (str, optional) – Name of the element model being integrated over the volume of node 1 of each edge on the contact

  • variable_update ({'default', 'log_damp', 'positive'}) – update type for circuit variable


The integration variables can be changed in 2D for cylindrical coordinate systems by setting the appropriate parameters as described in Cylindrical coordinate systems.

In order to set the node volumes for integration of the edge_volume_model, it is possible to do something like this:

devsim.edge_model(device=”device”, region=”region”, name=”EdgeNodeVolume”, equation=”0.5*SurfaceArea*EdgeLength”) devsim.set_parameter(name=”edge_node0_volume_model”, value=”EdgeNodeVolume”) devsim.set_parameter(name=”edge_node1_volume_model”, value=”EdgeNodeVolume”)

devsim.get_contact_equation_command(device, contact, name)

This command gets the options used when creating this contact equation.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • contact (str) – Contact on which to apply this command

  • name (str) – Name of the contact equation being command options returned

devsim.get_contact_equation_list(device, contact)

This command gets a list of equations on the specified contact.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • contact (str) – Contact on which to apply this command

devsim.get_equation_command(device, region, name)

This command gets the options used when creating this equation.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the equation being command options returned

devsim.get_equation_list(device, region)

This command gets a list of equations on the specified region.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

devsim.get_equation_numbers(device, region, equation, variable)

Returns a list of the equation numbers corresponding to each node in a region. Values are only valid when during the course of a solve.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • equation (str, optional) – Name of the equation

  • variable (str, optional) – Name of the variable

devsim.get_interface_equation_command(device, interface, name)

This command gets the options used when creating this interface equation.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • interface (str) – Interface on which to apply this command

  • name (str) – Name of the interface equation being command options returned

devsim.get_interface_equation_list(device, interface)

This command gets a list of equations on the specified interface.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • interface (str) – Interface on which to apply this command

devsim.interface_equation(device, interface, name, name0, name1, interface_model, type)

Command to specify an equation at an interface

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • interface (str) – Interface on which to apply this command

  • name (str) – Name of the interface equation being created

  • name0 (str, optional) – Name of the equation coupling in region 0 being created (default ‘name’)

  • name1 (str, optional) – Name of the equation coupling in region 1 being created (default ‘name’)

  • interface_model (str) – When specified, the bulk equations on both sides of the interface are integrated together. This model is then used to specify how nodal quantities on both sides of the interface are balanced

  • type ({'continuous', 'fluxterm', 'hybrid'} required) – Specifies the type of boundary condition

14.3. Geometry commands

Commands for getting information about the device structure.


Gets a list of contacts on a device.


device (str) – The selected device


Gets a list of devices on the simulation.

devsim.get_element_node_list(device, region, contact, interface, reorder)

Gets a list of nodes for each element on a device, region, contact, or interface.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • contact (str, optional) – If specified, gets the element nodes for the contact on the specified region

  • interface (str, optional) – If specified, gets the element nodes for the interface on the specified region

  • reorder (bool, optional) – If specified, reorders the element nodes in a manner compatible in meshing software (default False)


Gets a list of interfaces on a device.


device (str) – The selected device

devsim.get_region_list(device, contact, interface)

Gets a list of regions on a device, contact, or interface.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • contact (str, optional) – If specified, gets the name of the region belonging to this contact on the device

  • interface (str, optional) – If specified, gets the name of the regions belonging to this interface on the device


Resets all data for clean restart.

14.4. Material commands

Commands for manipulating parameters and material properties


Get the dimension of the device


device (str, optional) – The selected device

devsim.get_material(device, region, contact)

Returns the material for the specified region

  • device (str, optional) – The selected device

  • region (str, optional) – The selected region

  • contact (str, optional) – Contact on which to apply this command

devsim.get_parameter(device, region, name)

Get a parameter on a region, device, or globally.

  • device (str, optional) – The selected device

  • region (str, optional) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the parameter name being retrieved


Note that the device and region options are optional. If the region is not specified, the parameter is retrieved for the entire device. If the device is not specified, the parameter is retrieved for all devices. If the parameter is not found on the region, it is retrieved on the device. If it is not found on the device, it is retrieved over all devices.

devsim.get_parameter_list(device, region)

Get list of parameter names on region, device, or globally

  • device (str, optional) – The selected device

  • region (str, optional) – The selected region


Note that the device and region options are optional. If the region is not specified, the parameter is retrieved for the entire device. If the device is not specified, the parameter is retrieved for all devices. Unlike the devsim.getParameter(), parameter names on the the device are not retrieved if they do not exist on the region. Similarly, the parameter names over all devices are not retrieved if they do not exist on the device.

devsim.set_material(device, region, contact, material)

Sets the new material for a region

  • device (str, optional) – The selected device

  • region (str, optional) – The selected region

  • contact (str, optional) – Contact on which to apply this command

  • material (str) – New material name

devsim.set_parameter(device, region, name, value)

Set a parameter on region, device, or globally

  • device (str, optional) – The selected device

  • region (str, optional) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the parameter name being retrieved

  • value (any) – value to set for the parameter


Note that the device and region options are optional. If the region is not specified, the parameter is set for the entire device. If the device is not specified, the parameter is set for all devices.

14.5. Meshing commands

Commands for reading and writing meshes

devsim.add_1d_contact(material, mesh, name, tag)

Add a contact to a 1D mesh

  • material (str) – material for the contact being created

  • mesh (str) – Mesh to add the contact to

  • name (str) – Name for the contact being created

  • tag (str) – Text label for the position to add the contact

devsim.add_1d_interface(mesh, tag, name)

Add an interface to a 1D mesh

  • mesh (str) – Mesh to add the interface to

  • tag (str) – Text label for the position to add the interface

  • name (str) – Name for the interface being created

devsim.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh, tag, pos, ns, ps)

Add a mesh line to a 1D mesh

  • mesh (str) – Mesh to add the line to

  • tag (str, optional) – Text label for the position

  • pos (str) – Position for the mesh point

  • ns (Float, optional) – Spacing from this point in the negative direction (default ps value)

  • ps (Float) – Spacing from this point in the positive direction

devsim.add_1d_region(mesh, tag1, tag2, region, material)

Add a region to a 1D mesh

  • mesh (str) – Mesh to add the line to

  • tag1 (str) – Text label for the position bounding the region being added

  • tag2 (str) – Text label for the position bounding the region being added

  • region (str) – Name for the region being created

  • material (str) – Material for the region being created

devsim.add_2d_contact(name, material, mesh, region, xl, xh, yl, yh, bloat)

Add an interface to a 2D mesh

  • name (str) – Name for the contact being created

  • material (str) – material for the contact being created

  • mesh (str) – Mesh to add the contact to

  • region (str) – Name of the region included in the contact

  • xl (Float, optional) – x position for corner of bounding box (default -MAXDOUBLE)

  • xh (Float, optional) – x position for corner of bounding box (default +MAXDOUBLE)

  • yl (Float, optional) – y position for corner of bounding box (default -MAXDOUBLE)

  • yh (Float, optional) – y position for corner of bounding box (default +MAXDOUBLE)

  • bloat (Float, optional) – Extend bounding box by this amount when search for mesh to include in region (default 1e-10)

devsim.add_2d_interface(mesh, name, region0, region1, xl, xh, yl, yh, bloat)

Add an interface to a 2D mesh

  • mesh (str) – Mesh to add the interface to

  • name (str) – Name for the interface being created

  • region0 (str) – Name of the region included in the interface

  • region1 (str) – Name of the region included in the interface

  • xl (Float, optional) – x position for corner of bounding box (default -MAXDOUBLE)

  • xh (Float, optional) – x position for corner of bounding box (default +MAXDOUBLE)

  • yl (Float, optional) – y position for corner of bounding box (default -MAXDOUBLE)

  • yh (Float, optional) – y position for corner of bounding box (default +MAXDOUBLE)

  • bloat (Float, optional) – Extend bounding box by this amount when search for mesh to include in region (default 1e-10)

devsim.add_2d_mesh_line(mesh, pos, ns, ps)

Add a mesh line to a 2D mesh

  • mesh (str) – Mesh to add the line to

  • pos (str) – Position for the mesh point

  • ns (Float) – Spacing from this point in the negative direction

  • ps (Float) – Spacing from this point in the positive direction

devsim.add_2d_region(mesh, region, material, xl, xh, yl, yh, bloat)

Add a region to a 2D mesh

  • mesh (str) – Mesh to add the region to

  • region (str) – Name for the region being created

  • material (str) – Material for the region being created

  • xl (Float, optional) – x position for corner of bounding box (default -MAXDOUBLE)

  • xh (Float, optional) – x position for corner of bounding box (default +MAXDOUBLE)

  • yl (Float, optional) – y position for corner of bounding box (default -MAXDOUBLE)

  • yh (Float, optional) – y position for corner of bounding box (default +MAXDOUBLE)

  • bloat (Float, optional) – Extend bounding box by this amount when search for mesh to include in region (default 1e-10)

devsim.add_gmsh_contact(gmsh_name, material, mesh, name, region)

Create a mesh to import a Gmsh mesh

  • gmsh_name (str) – physical group name in the Gmsh file

  • material (str) – material for the contact being created

  • mesh (str) – name of the mesh being generated

  • name (str) – name of the contact begin created

  • region (str) – region that the contact is attached to

devsim.add_gmsh_interface(gmsh_name, mesh, name, region0, region1)

Create an interface for an imported Gmsh mesh

  • gmsh_name (str) – physical group name in the Gmsh file

  • mesh (str) – name of the mesh being generated

  • name (str) – name of the interface begin created

  • region0 (str) – first region that the interface is attached to

  • region1 (str) – second region that the interface is attached to

devsim.add_gmsh_region(gmsh_name, mesh, region, material)

Create a region for an imported Gmsh mesh

  • gmsh_name (str) – physical group name in the Gmsh file

  • mesh (str) – name of the mesh being generated

  • region (str) – name of the region begin created

  • material (str) – material for the region being created


Create a mesh to create a 1D device


mesh (str) – name of the 1D mesh being created


Create a mesh to create a 2D device


mesh (str) – name of the 2D mesh being created

devsim.create_contact_from_interface(device, region, interface, material, name)

Creates a contact on a device from an existing interface

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • interface (str) – Interface on which to apply this command

  • material (str) – material for the contact being created

  • name (str) – name of the contact begin created

devsim.create_device(mesh, device)

Create a device from a mesh

  • mesh (str) – name of the mesh being used to create a device

  • device (str) – name of the device being created

devsim.create_gmsh_mesh(mesh, file, coordinates, elements, physical_names)

Create a mesh to import a Gmsh mesh

  • mesh (str) – name of the mesh being generated

  • file (str, optional) – name of the Gmsh mesh file being read into DEVSIM

  • coordinates (list, optional) – List of coordinate positions on mesh.

  • elements (list, optional) – List of elements on the mesh.

  • physical_names (list, optional) – List of names for each contact, interface, and region on mesh.


This file will import a Gmsh format mesh from a file. Alternatively, the mesh structure may be passed in as as arguments:

coordinates is a float list of positions in the mesh. Each coordinate adds an x, y, and z position so that the coordinate list length is 3 times the number of coordinates.

physical_names is a list of contact, interface, and region names. It is referenced by index by the elements list.

elements is a list of elements. Each element adds

  • Element Type (float)

    • 0 node

    • 1 edge

    • 2 triangle

    • 3 tetrahedron

  • Physical Index

    • This indexes into the physical_names list.

  • Nodes

    • Each node of the element indexes into the coordinates list.

devsim.create_interface_from_nodes(device, name, region0, region1, nodes0, nodes1)

Creates an interface from lists of nodes

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • name (str) – name of the interface begin created

  • region0 (str) – first region that the interface is attached to

  • region1 (str) – second region that the interface is attached to

  • nodes0 (str) – list of nodes for the interface in the first region

  • nodes1 (str) – list of nodes for the interface in the second region


Delete a device and its parameters


device (str) – name of the device being deleted


Delete a mesh so devices can no longer be instantiated from it.


mesh (str) – Mesh to delete


Finalize a mesh so no additional mesh specifications can be added and devices can be created.


mesh (str) – Mesh to finalize


Get list of meshes


Load devices from a DEVSIM file


file (str) – name of the file to load the meshes from

devsim.write_devices(file, device, type, include_test)

Write a device to a file for visualization or restart

  • file (str) – name of the file to write the meshes to

  • device (str, optional) – name of the device to write

  • type ({'devsim', 'devsim_data', 'tecplot', 'vtk'}) – format to use

  • include_test (str) – Callback function which tests whether a model should be written to the tecplot or vtk format

14.6. Model commands

Commands for defining and evaluating models

devsim.contact_edge_model(device, contact, name, equation, display_type)

Create an edge model evaluated at a contact

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • contact (str) – Contact on which to apply this command

  • name (str) – Name of the contact edge model being created

  • equation (str) – Equation used to describe the contact edge model being created

  • display_type ({'vector', 'nodisplay', 'scalar'}) – Option for output display in graphical viewer

devsim.contact_node_model(device, contact, name, equation, display_type)

Create an node model evaluated at a contact

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • contact (str) – Contact on which to apply this command

  • name (str) – Name of the contact node model being created

  • equation (str) – Equation used to describe the contact node model being created

  • display_type ({'scalar', 'nodisplay'}) – Option for output display in graphical viewer

devsim.cylindrical_edge_couple(device, region)

This command creates the EdgeCouple model for 2D cylindrical simulation

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region


This model is only available in 2D. The created variables are

  • ElementCylindricalEdgeCouple (Element Edge Model)

  • CylindricalEdgeCouple (Edge Model)

The devsim.set_parameter() must be used to set

  • raxis_variable, the variable (x or y) which is the radial axis variable in the cylindrical coordinate system

  • raxis_zero, the location of the z axis for the radial axis variable

devsim.cylindrical_node_volume(device, region)

This command creates the NodeVolume model for 2D cylindrical simulation

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region


This model is only available in 2D. The created variables are

  • ElementCylindricalNodeVolume@en0 (Element Edge Model)

  • ElementCylindricalNodeVolume@en1 (Element Edge Model)

  • CylindricalEdgeNodeVolume@n0 (Edge Model)

  • CylindricalEdgeNodeVolume@n1 (Edge Model)

  • CylindricalNodeVolume (Node Model)

The ElementCylindricalNodeVolume@en0 and ElementCylindricalNodeVolume@en1 represent the node volume at each end of the element edge.

The devsim.set_parameter() must be used to set

  • raxis_variable, the variable (x or y) which is the radial axis variable in the cylindrical coordinate system

  • raxis_zero, the location of the z axis for the radial axis variable

devsim.cylindrical_surface_area(device, region)

This command creates the SurfaceArea model for 2D cylindrical simulation

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region


This model is only available in 2D. The created variables are

  • CylindricalSurfaceArea (Node Model)

and is the cylindrical surface area along each contact and interface node in the device region.

The devsim.set_parameter() must be used to set

  • raxis_variable, the variable (x or y) which is the radial axis variable in the cylindrical coordinate system

  • raxis_zero, the location of the z axis for the radial axis variable

devsim.debug_triangle_models(device, region)

Debugging command used in the development of DEVSIM and used in regressions.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

devsim.delete_edge_model(device, region, name)

Deletes an edge model from a region

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the edge model being deleted

devsim.delete_element_model(device, region, name)

Deletes a element model from a region

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the node model being deleted

devsim.delete_interface_model(device, interface, name)

Deletes an interface model from an interface

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • interface (str) – Interface on which to apply this command

  • name (str) – Name of the interface model being deleted

devsim.delete_node_model(device, region, name)

Deletes a node model from a region

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the node model being deleted

devsim.edge_average_model(device, region, node_model, edge_model, derivative, average_type)

Creates an edge model based on the node model values

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • node_model (str) – The node model from which we are creating the edge model. If derivative is specified, the edge model is created from nodeModel:derivativeModel

  • edge_model (str) – The edge model name being created. If derivative is specified, the edge models created are edgeModel:derivativeModel@n0 edgeModel:derivativeModel@n1, which are the derivatives with respect to the derivative model on each side of the edge

  • derivative (str, optional) – The node model of the variable for which the derivative is being taken. The node model nodeModel:derivativeModel is used to create the resulting edge models.

  • average_type ({'arithmetic', 'geometric', 'gradient', 'negative_gradient'}) – The node models on both sides of the edge are averaged together to create one of the following types of averages.


For a node model, creates 2 edge models referring to the node model value at both ends of the edge. For example, to calculate electric field:

devsim.edge_average_model(device=device, region=region, node_model=”Potential”, edge_model=”ElecticField”, average_type=”negative_gradient”)

and the derivatives ElectricField:Potential@n0 and ElectricField:Potential@n1 are then created from

devsim.edge_average_model(device=device, region=region, node_model=”Potential”, edge_model=”ElecticField”, average_type=”negative_gradient”, derivative=”Potential”)

devsim.edge_from_node_model(device, region, node_model)

For a node model, creates an 2 edge models referring to the node model value at both ends of the edge.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • node_model (str) – The node model from which we are creating the edge model


For example, to calculate electric field:

devsim.edge_from_node_model(device=device, region=region, node_model=”Potential”)

devsim.edge_model(device, region, name, equation, display_type)

Creates an edge model based on an equation

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the edge model being created

  • equation (str) – Equation used to describe the edge model being created

  • display_type ({'scalar', 'nodisplay', 'vector'}) – Option for output display in graphical viewer


The vector option uses an averaging scheme for the edge values projected in the direction of each edge. For a given model, model, the generated components in the visualization files is:

  • model_x_onNode

  • model_y_onNode

  • model_z_onNode (3D)

This averaging scheme does not produce accurate results, and it is recommended to use the devsim.element_from_edge_model() to create components better suited for visualization. See Visualization and post processing for more information about creating data files for external visualization programs.

devsim.edge_solution(device, region, name)

Create node model whose values are set.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the solution being created

devsim.element_from_edge_model(device, region, edge_model, derivative)

Creates element edge models from an edge model

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • edge_model (str) – The edge model from which we are creating the element model

  • derivative (str, optional) – The variable we are taking with respect to edge_model


For an edge model emodel, creates an element models referring to the directional components on each edge of the element:

  • emodel_x

  • emodel_y

If the derivative variable option is specified, the emodel@n0 and emodel@n1 are used to create:

  • emodel_x:variable@en0

  • emodel_y:variable@en0

  • emodel_x:variable@en1

  • emodel_y:variable@en1

  • emodel_x:variable@en2

  • emodel_y:variable@en2

in 2D for each node on a triangular element. and

  • emodel_x:variable@en0

  • emodel_y:variable@en0

  • emodel_z:variable@en0

  • emodel_x:variable@en1

  • emodel_y:variable@en1

  • emodel_z:variable@en1

  • emodel_x:variable@en2

  • emodel_y:variable@en2

  • emodel_z:variable@en2

  • emodel_x:variable@en3

  • emodel_y:variable@en3

  • emodel_z:variable@en3

in 3D for each node on a tetrahedral element.

The suffix en0 refers to the first node on the edge of the element and en1 refers to the second node. en2 and en3 specifies the derivatives with respect the variable at the nodes opposite the edges on the element being considered.

devsim.element_from_node_model(device, region, node_model)

Creates element edge models from a node model

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • node_model (str) – The node model from which we are creating the edge model


This command creates an element edge model from a node model so that each corner of the element is represented. A node model, nmodel, would be be accessible as

  • nmodel@en0

  • nmodel@en1

  • nmodel@en2

  • nmodel@en3 (3D)

where en0, and en1 refers to the nodes on the element’s edge. In 2D, en2 refers to the node on the triangle node opposite the edge. In 3D, en2 and en3 refers to the nodes on the nodes off the element edge on the tetrahedral element.

devsim.element_model(device, region, name, equation, display_type)

Create a model evaluated on element edges.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the element edge model being created

  • equation (str) – Equation used to describe the element edge model being created

  • display_type ({'scalar', 'nodisplay'}) – Option for output display in graphical viewer

devsim.element_pair_from_edge_model(device, region, edge_model, derivative)

Creates element edge models from an edge model

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • edge_model (str) – The edge model from which we are creating the element model

  • derivative (str, optional) – The variable we are taking with respect to edge_model


For an edge model emodel, creates an element models referring to the directional components on each edge of the element:

  • emodel_node0_x

  • emodel_node0_y

  • emodel_node1_x

  • emodel_node1_y

If the derivative variable option is specified, the emodel@n0 and emodel@n1 are used to create:

  • emodel_node0_x:variable@en0

  • emodel_node0_y:variable@en0

  • emodel_node0_x:variable@en1

  • emodel_node0_y:variable@en1

  • emodel_node0_x:variable@en2

  • emodel_node0_y:variable@en2

  • emodel_node1_x:variable@en0

  • emodel_node1_y:variable@en0

  • emodel_node1_x:variable@en1

  • emodel_node1_y:variable@en1

  • emodel_node1_x:variable@en2

  • emodel_node1_y:variable@en2

in 2D for each node on a triangular element. and

  • emodel_node0_x:variable@en0

  • emodel_node0_y:variable@en0

  • emodel_node0_z:variable@en0

  • emodel_node0_x:variable@en1

  • emodel_node0_y:variable@en1

  • emodel_node0_z:variable@en1

  • emodel_node0_x:variable@en2

  • emodel_node0_y:variable@en2

  • emodel_node0_z:variable@en2

  • emodel_node0_x:variable@en3

  • emodel_node0_y:variable@en3

  • emodel_node0_z:variable@en3

  • emodel_node1_x:variable@en0

  • emodel_node1_y:variable@en0

  • emodel_node1_z:variable@en0

  • emodel_node1_x:variable@en1

  • emodel_node1_y:variable@en1

  • emodel_node1_z:variable@en1

  • emodel_node1_x:variable@en2

  • emodel_node1_y:variable@en2

  • emodel_node1_z:variable@en2

  • emodel_node1_x:variable@en3

  • emodel_node1_y:variable@en3

  • emodel_node1_z:variable@en3

in 3D for each node on a tetrahedral element.

The label node0 and node1 refer to the node on the edge for which the element field average was performed. For example, node0 signifies that all edges connected to node0 where used to calculate the element field.

The suffix en0 refers to the first node on the edge of the element and en1 refers to the second node. en2 and en3 specifies the derivatives with respect the variable at the nodes opposite the edges on the element being considered.

devsim.element_solution(device, region, name)

Create node model whose values are set.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the solution being created

devsim.get_edge_model_list(device, region)

Returns a list of the edge models on the device region

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

devsim.get_edge_model_values(device, region, name)

Get the edge model values calculated at each edge.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the edge model values being returned as a list

devsim.get_element_model_list(device, region)

Returns a list of the element edge models on the device region

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

devsim.get_element_model_values(device, region, name)

Get element model values at each element edge

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the element edge model values being returned as a list

devsim.get_interface_model_list(device, interface)

Returns a list of the interface models on the interface

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • interface (str) – Interface on which to apply this command

devsim.get_interface_model_values(device, interface, name)

Gets interface model values evaluated at each interface node.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • interface (str) – Interface on which to apply this command

  • name (str) – Name of the interface model values being returned as a list

devsim.get_node_model_list(device, region)

Returns a list of the node models on the device region

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

devsim.get_node_model_values(device, region, name)

Get node model values evaluated at each node in a region.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the node model values being returned as a list

devsim.interface_model(device, interface, equation)

Create an interface model from an equation.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • interface (str) – Interface on which to apply this command

  • equation (str) – Equation used to describe the interface node model being created

devsim.interface_normal_model(device, region, interface)

Creates edge models whose components are based on direction and distance to an interface

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • interface (str) – Interface on which to apply this command


This model creates the following edge models:

  • iname_distance

  • iname_normal_x (2D and 3D)

  • iname_normal_y (2D and 3D)

  • iname_normal_z (3D only)

where iname is the name of the interface. The normals are of the closest node on the interface. The sign is toward the interface.

devsim.node_model(device, region, name, equation, display_type)

Create a node model from an equation.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the node model being created

  • equation (str) – Equation used to describe the node model being created

  • display_type ({'scalar', 'nodisplay'}) – Option for output display in graphical viewer

devsim.node_solution(device, region, name)

Create node model whose values are set.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the solution being created

devsim.print_edge_values(device, region, name)

Print edge values for debugging.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the edge model values being printed to the screen

devsim.print_element_values(device, region, name)

Print element values for debugging.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the element edge model values being printed to the screen

devsim.print_node_values(device, region, name)

Print node values for debugging.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the node model values being printed to the screen

devsim.register_function(name, nargs, procedure)

This command is used to register a new Python procedure for evaluation by SYMDIFF.

  • name (str) – Name of the function

  • nargs (str) – Number of arguments to the function

  • procedure (str) – The procedure to be called

devsim.set_edge_values(device, region, name, init_from, values)

Set edge model values from another edge model, or a list of values.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the edge model being initialized

  • init_from (str, optional) – Node model we are using to initialize the edge solution

  • values (list, optional) – List of values for each edge in the region.

devsim.set_element_values(device, region, name, init_from, values)

Set element model values from another element model, or a list of values.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the element model being initialized

  • init_from (str, optional) – Node model we are using to initialize the element solution

  • values (list, optional) – List of values for each element in the region.

devsim.set_node_value(device, region, name, index, value)

A uniform value is used if index is not specified. Note that equation based node models will lose this value if their equation is recalculated.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the node model being whose value is being set

  • index (int) – Index of node being set

  • value (Float) – Value of node being set

devsim.set_node_values(device, region, name, init_from, values)

Set node model values from another node model, or a list of values.

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • name (str) – Name of the node model being initialized

  • init_from (str, optional) – Node model we are using to initialize the node solution

  • values (list, optional) – List of values for each node in the region.


This command returns an expression. All strings are treated as independent variables. It is primarily used for defining new functions to the parser.


expr (str) – Expression to send to SYMDIFF

devsim.vector_element_model(device, region, element_model)

Create vector components from an element edge model

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • element_model (str) – The element model for which we are calculating the vector components


This command creates element edge models from an element model which represent the vector components on the element edge. An element model, emodel, would then have

  • emodel_x

  • emodel_y

  • emodel_z (3D only)

The primary use of these components are for visualization.

devsim.vector_gradient(device, region, node_model, calc_type)

Creates the vector gradient for noise analysis

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • region (str) – The selected region

  • node_model (str) – The node model from which we are creating the edge model

  • calc_type ({'default', 'avoidzero'}) – The node model from which we are creating the edge model


Used for noise analysis. The avoidzero option is important for noise analysis, since a node model value of zero is not physical for some contact and interface boundary conditions. For a given node model, model, a node model is created in each direction:

  • model_gradx (1D)

  • model_grady (2D and 3D)

  • model_gradz (3D)

It is important not to use these models for simulation, since DEVSIM, does not have a way of evaluating the derivatives of these models. The models can be used for integrating the impedance field, and other postprocessing. The devsim.element_from_edge_model() command can be used to create gradients for use in a simulation.

14.7. Solver commands

Commands for simulation

devsim.get_contact_charge(device, contact, equation)

Get charge at the contact

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • contact (str) – Contact on which to apply this command

  • equation (str) – Name of the contact equation from which we are retrieving the charge

devsim.get_contact_current(device, contact, equation)

Get current at the contact

  • device (str) – The selected device

  • contact (str) – Contact on which to apply this command

  • equation (str) – Name of the contact equation from which we are retrieving the current


Returns matrices and rhs vectors.


format ({'csc', 'csr'} required) – Option for returned matrix format.

devsim.set_initial_condition(static_rhs, dynamic_rhs)

Sets the initial condition for subsequent transient solver steps.

  • static_rhs (list, optional) – List of double values for non time-displacement terms in right hand side.

  • dynamic_rhs (list, optional) – List of double values for time-displacement terms in right hand side.

devsim.solve(type, solver_type, absolute_error, relative_error, maximum_error, charge_error, gamma, tdelta, maximum_iterations, maximum_divergence, frequency, output_node, info, symbolic_iteration_limit)

Call the solver. A small-signal AC source is set with the circuit voltage source.

  • type ({'dc', 'ac', 'noise', 'transient_dc', 'transient_bdf1', 'transient_bdf2', 'transient_tr'} required) – type of solve being performed

  • solver_type ({'direct', 'iterative'} required) – Linear solver type

  • absolute_error (Float, optional) – Required update norm in the solve (default 0.0)

  • relative_error (Float, optional) – Required relative update in the solve (default 0.0)

  • maximum_error (Float, optional) – Maximum absolute error before solve stops (default MAXDOUBLE)

  • charge_error (Float, optional) – Relative error between projected and solved charge during transient simulation (default 0.0)

  • gamma (Float, optional) – Scaling factor for transient time step (default 1.0)

  • tdelta (Float, optional) – time step (default 0.0)

  • maximum_iterations (int, optional) – Maximum number of iterations in the DC solve (default 20)

  • maximum_divergence (int, optional) – Maximum number of diverging iterations during solve (default 20)

  • frequency (Float, optional) – Frequency for small-signal AC simulation (default 0.0)

  • output_node (str, optional) – Output circuit node for noise simulation

  • info (bool, optional) – Solve command return convergence information (default False)

  • symbolic_iteration_limit (int, optional) – Reuse symbolic matrix factorization after this number of iterations (default 1)